
Visitation will be restricted for the first ten (10) days of admission.  A Client must submit a visitation list to their Counselor within the ten (10) days of the Orientation period for approval.  Once the visitation list is approved by the Treatment Team at least one (1) family member from the approved Visitation List must attend a onetime Family Orientation/Education prior to the Resident receiving visitation.

A Visitation List may only consist of a maximum of six (6) individuals, immediate family, sponsor, priest, spiritual mentor.  Visitation List may not be changed once submitted and approved the only exception is to add an acquired Sponsor.  Visitors who are not on the Visitation List will not be allowed to visit.  All visits are held in the dining room and are limited to two (2) hours.

Visitation Schedule:  NO EXCEPTIONS

Saturday or Sunday from 1:00pm – 4:00pm (with approved visitor’s list)
  • Only three (3) visitors allowed at one time, including children.
  • All visitors age 16 or older must show a current, valid State issued picture ID.
  • All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an approved visitor (18 yrs. of age or older) at all times.
  • Visitors who cannot control children’s behavior will be asked to leave.
  • Purses, bags, cell phones, cameras, video equipment are not allowed. Only exception will be for visitors with children that require diapers, bottles, etc.
  • Visitors are allowed to bring ONLY a valid ID and car keys into the facility.
  • Visitors and Clients may not engage in prolonged and/or inappropriate displays of affection. Except for one (1) hug at the beginning and end of visit. Inappropriate touching or sexual type of conduct will result in termination of visit.
  • Visitors are expected to dress appropriately. No hats or sunglasses.
  • Any visitor under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to visit. Local Law Enforcement will be contacted.
  • Residents receiving visitation are not allowed outside the Facility with a visitor under any circumstance.
  • Visitors are not allowed to smoke on Clover House property.